Katie Price And Son Harvey Share Their Journey As He Enters Adulthood


In an insightful documentary Katie Price: Harvey and Me, we get to see the challenges Katie Price and her son Harvey face as he turns 18 and becomes a young adult. Mother of five Katie Price has always been open about her first child’s complex needs.

Harvey Price was born with septic optic dysplasia. It’s a rare disorder that affects brain function, hormones and eye-sight. He also has autism and Prader-Willi syndrome which causes learning difficulties, behavioural problems and obesity. Harvey requires 24-hour care.


In the BBC documentary we see how Katie faces the challenge of learning to let go, as she searches for a residential college for her son. Putting things in place so Harvey can learn life skills and independence, Katie expresses her deepest fear of not knowing whether her son will be okay when she one day passes away.

Despite the challenges, we see Harvey’s great love for his mother and siblings; we also see how much they love him. This documentary shows the realities that parents of children with special needs go through.

You can watch Katie Price: Harvey and Me on BBC iplayer.